A dark western horror like Bone Tomahawk crossed with Jonah Hex, and corroborated by the uncompromising brutality of No Country for Old Men.
Haxan is a place of ferocity and death. U.S. Marshal John Marwood must rescue the daughter of a woman tied darkly to his past. Zamora is just like Marwood: violent, uncompromising, and eternal. She is hidden deep within the Indian Nations in a place of dark magic and timeless eternity called Seven Devils. There, Marwood will face his past and present, and find at last the only woman he has ever loved throughout time.
About the author
Contributor Notes
Kenneth Mark Hoover is a professional writer living in Dallas, TX. He has sold over 60 short stories and is a member of SFWA and HWA. His fiction has appeared in Beneath Ceaseless Skies, Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, Strange Horizons, and many others. He has two previous Haxan novels out: Haxan and Quaternity. Seven Devils is the third in the Haxan universe, and will be released in late 2020.