The Rev'd. James Biddle loves good books and traditional values, fearing the brave new digital world and the interweb. He's thirty-six. He fights modernization. Fights and fails to stop his own St. Matthew's Anglican Church from holding a U2charist (a very real, very awkward phenomenon) to attract younger parishioners.
About the author
Andrew Bailey is an award winning comedian, writer and monologist. His shows include The Adversary, Scrupulosity, Limbo and Putz. He is also one of the primary writers and actors of the Atomic Vaudeville cabaret, having appeared in more than fifty episodes since 2004. He lives in Vancouver
Other titles by
Discourse on Method and Meditations on First Philosophy
The Broadview Introduction to Philosophy Volume I: Knowledge and Reality
The Broadview Introduction to Philosophy Volume II: Values and Society
The Broadview Introduction to Philosophy
The Broadview Anthology of Social and Political Thought: From Machiavelli to Nietzsche
Utilitarianism - Ed. Bailey
The Apology and Related Dialogues
The Second Treatise of Civil Government
Meditations on First Philosophy
The Broadview Anthology of Social and Political Thought: Essential Readings
Ancient, Modern, and Contemporary Texts