Clary Croft has gathered intriguing historical moments of Nova Scotian history into a readable and informative look at the province. These inspiring vignettes bring together many of the historical events, accomplishments, and unusual details that make up the more interesting aspects of Nova Scotia's long history. Over four hundred profiles of inventors, radicals, and rogues make this collection the absolutely best volume of popular and fascinating facts and events covering over five hundred years in the region's history. From Captain Kidd to Prohibition; from the origin of the Nova Scotian Tartan to the first automobile and the origins of our famous lobster suppers, Clary Croft writes with enthusiasm and genuine affection about his native province.
About the author
Clary Croft is a folklorist, writer, and entertainer. He is the author of several books, including Witchcraft, Helen Creighton: Canada's First Lady of Folklore, A Maritimer's Miscellany, and Celebrate: The History and Folklore of Holidays in Nova Scotia. Clary lives in Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Other titles by
Clary Croft
My Charmed Life in Music, Art, and Folklore
Clary Croft
My Charmed Life in Music, Art, and Folklore
Chocolates, Tattoos, and Mayflowers
Maritime Memorabilia from Clary Croft
Tales,beliefs and superstitions from the Maritimes
Bluenose Ghosts (2nd Edition)
Bluenose Ghosts
Helen Creighton
Canada's First Lady of Folklore
A Maritime Christmas
New Stories and Memories of the Season