Recommended Age, Grade, and Reading Levels
- Age: 3 to 8
- Grade: p to 3
La collection Mon petit livre de l’Apprenti-sage mettra à l’épreuve la logique, l’imagination, l’esprit scientifique et le raisonnement moral de votre enfant. Elle engendra des moments agréables de lecture, de discussions imprévisibles et de révélation pour se connaître et découvrir les autres.
About the authors
Contributor Notes
George Ghanotakis holds degrees in education and philosophy (B. Ed., M.A., Ph.D.) from the University of Toronto. He taught at the University of Ottawa, the University of Victoria and the University of Toronto. He is the founder of the Canadian Institute of Philosophy for Children and served as special consultant for the implementation of thinking skills programs across the curriculum K-12, working closely with school boards, parent associations and the Ministries of Education of British Columbia, Ontario and Quebec.
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