It’s the definitive auto companion for travel in this area, whether you are a resident or short-term visitor. It’s got all the features to make even the unfamiliar areas easy to navigate. Inside this 68 page atlas you will find provincial maps of Manitoba and Saskatchewan at 1:1,200,000, municipal maps of Brandon (1:80,000), Dauphin (1:40,000), Estevan (1:40,000), Flin Flon (1:40,000), Gimli (1:40,000), Lloydminster (1:40,000), Moose Jaw (1:40,000), Morden (1:40,000), Battleford and North Battleford (1:80,000), Portage la Prairie (1:80,000), Prince Albert (1:80,000), Regina (1:80,000), Saskatoon (1:80,000), Selkirk (1:40,000), Steinbach (1:40,000), Swift Current (1:40,000), The Pas (1:40,000), Thompson (1:40,000), Weyburn (1:40,000), Winkler (1:40,000), Yorkton (1:40,000) and Winnipeg (1:200,000). Also included are detailed city centre maps at 1:25,000 of Brandon, Battleford and North Battleford, Estevan, Flin Flon, Moose Jaw, Morden, Prince Albert, Portage la Prairie, Regina, Saskatoon, Steinback, Swift Current, The Pas, Thompson, Weyburn, Winkler, Winnipeg, Yorkton, locator maps, Manitoba and Saskatchewan distance chart, city map legend, provincial map legend and a provincial map community name index.
The regional maps features include Trans-Canada Highway, Yellowhead Route, divided highways, paved and gravel highways, paved and gravel secondary highways, paved and gravel roads, unimproved roads, seasonal roads, ferries, railways, distances between points (km), populated places, national parks, national historic sites, provincial parks, campgrounds, provincial forests, National Defence, Indian Reserves / First Nations, border crossings, provincial boundaries, international boundaries, tourist information centres, rest areas, hospitals, points of interest, downhill skiing and airports.
The detailed city centre maps features include divided highways, major roads, secondary roads, main thoroughfares, minor streets, lanes / private streets, interchange numbers, one way streets, street address numbers, Trans-Canada Highway, railways, VIA Rail stations, bus stations, international boundaries, provincial boundaries, municipal boundaries, recreation trails, parks / conservation areas, golf courses, commercial areas, cemeteries, institutional areas, industrial areas, special attraction areas, Indian Reserves, National Defence, hospitals, tourist information centres, police stations, fire halls, libraries, points of interest, national parks / historic sites, arenas, community / recreation centres, pools, baseball, soccer, tennis, skiing, campgrounds and public and catholic schools. Saddlestitch bound Proudly made in Canada!
21 x 28 cm (8.375 x 10.875 inches)
Provinces/Territories: Manitoba, Saskatchewan