As a young priest, Luigi Giussani was troubled by Catholicism's inability to effectively deal with secularism or laicism. In 1954 he began to develop a vision of faith rooted in experience. His ideas resonated with students and led to the birth of the Gioventù Studentesca (Student Youth) movement. Known today as Communion and Liberation, the movement is flourishing in Italy and around the world, including Canada, the United States, Brazil, Uganda, and Britain. The Journey to Truth Is an Experience is the first English translation of Il Cammino al vero è un'esperienza, Giussani's early works on the Christian experience, written from 1959-64. It begins with a guide on how to live the Christian life within the Student Youth community, followed by a call to base one's relationship with Christ on the example set by the apostles and other figures in the New Testament. Giussani concludes by outlining the movement's mission and the possibility for community, charity, and communion in the Christian life.
About the author
Monsignor Luigi Giussani (1922-2005) was the founder of the Catholic lay movement Communion and Liberation in Italy. His works are available in fifteen languages and include the trilogy The Religious Sense, At the Origin of the Christian Claim, and Why th
Other titles by

The Religious Sense
New Revised Edition

To Give One’s Life for the Work of Another

The Risk of Education
Discovering Our Ultimate Destiny

Christ, God's Companionship with Man

American Protestant Theology
A Historical Sketch

Generating Traces in the History of the World
New Traces of the Christian Experience

Is It Possible to Live This Way?
An Unusual Approach to Christian Existence

Is It Possible To Live This Way?
An Unusual Approach to Christian Existence, Volume 2: Hope

Is It Possible To Live This Way?
An Unusual Approach to Christian Existence: Faith

Is It Possible To Live This Way?
An Unusual Approach to Christian Existence, Volume 1: Faith