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Sports & Recreation Hockey


Challenging Canada’s Game – Au-delà du sport national

edited by Jenny Ellison & Jennifer Anderson

University of Ottawa Press
Initial publish date
Apr 2018
Hockey, History
  • Paperback / softback

    Publish Date
    Apr 2018
    List Price
  • eBook

    Publish Date
    Apr 2018
    List Price

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About the authors

Jenny Ellison is a curator of the exhibition on Hockey in Canada for the Canadian Museum of History and Curator of Sport and Leisure at the Canadian Museum of History. She is the co-editor of Obesity in Canada: Historical and Critical Perspectives (University of Toronto Press).

Jenny Ellison's profile page

Jennifer Anderson is a historian and Curator of the exhibition on Hockey in Canada at the Canadian Museum of History and has written on the history of Canadian-Russian relations.

Jennifer Anderson's profile page

Excerpt: Hockey: Challenging Canada’s Game – Au-delà du sport national (edited by Jenny Ellison & Jennifer Anderson)

Hockey is important to many people, but there is an inherent tension in claiming it is Canada’s game. Hockey reflects Canada’s social history. Through it we see how Canada has become more inclusive, but also that there is an ongoing need to address inequities and exclusions between groups of people.

Editorial Reviews

De manière générale, on ne peut que saluer la démarche de Jenny Ellison et Jennifer Anderson qui ont rassemblé un imposant contingent de spécialistes du hockey issus d’horizons disciplinaires aussi variés que les aspects abordés. Alors que le hockey professionnel est habituellement le centre d’intérêt de bien des chercheur.e.s universitaires et détient une part importante des publications scientifiques sur le sport au Canada, les recherches sur le hockey amateur ou récréatif ainsi que sur le hockey féminin rassemblées ici sont un apport significatif à la connaissance. (...) L’impression qu’on retire de la lecture de Hockey : Challenging Canada’s Game – Au-delà du sport national, c’est la volonté des codirectrices et des collaborateur.trice.s de décoloniser le savoir sur le hockey.

The opening section offers three outstanding essays about hockey’s origin and history. (…)

The seven “documents,” I thought, were a notable innovation. They consist of either experiential statements or brief historical materials. (…) Two last features of the book are worth noting. One is that the text is printed on glossy heavy-stock paper, which allows a sharp reproduction of many colour photographs, and adds a slightly coffee-table book-like feel—a nice touch for a volume that balances academic and popular concerns. The other is that a few of the texts are in French. This seems especially appropriate given the focus on diversity. (…)

Hockey: Challenging Canada’s Game is an excellent interdisciplinary resource for people interested in taking hockey seriously as a topic for research.

Rethinking Hockey

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