Victoria, the Garden City famous for its felicitous climate and heritage charm, is also renowned for its flourishing artistic community. Drawn to the beauty of Vancouver Island and the vibrant culture of a livable city, poets and artists have chosen this location as home. In Framing the Garden: Reflections of Victoria, Poet Laureate Linda Rogers presents a tapestry of contemporary Victoria, composed of images, poetry and prose by its many acclaimed authors and artists. Including work by poets such as PK Page and Patricia Young and artists Robert Amos, Miles Lowry and Phyllis Serota, Framing the Garden reveals a lively cultural centre, where past and present, words and images, nature and civilization, like sea and shore, are in a constant dance.
About the author
Linda Rogers is a poet passionately engaged with existence whose poems resonate a subterranean logic and the music of deep mindfulness. In Homing: New & Selected Poems she returns again and again to the unquiet ground of the theatre of life. A singular and uncompromising awareness of suffering and joy, hope and despair, the arc of naked dreams and the sense of community, informs her three decades of writing and numerous published collections. In Homing Rogers has included representative poems from previous volumes –– social poems, introspective poems, both thoughtful and exuberant –– as well as new work. The sequence is consistent and steadfast like a slow-moving train of perception through the world of time. Linda Roger’s poems sing with a compassion and concern for social justice that elevates the spirit and massages the mind. Homing is a delicate and deliberate portrait of one poet’s chronicle of residence on planet earth.