Rarely does a writer's voice strike with such resonance and power. Yannick Marshall's poetics, like a major artery, carry the stream of his passions and their political aim to re-centre the Afrikan woman in the struggle for Afrikan liberation. Empress moves over time and space, through poems of love, tracing the lives of Afrikan women in Botswana, South Africa, the United States, Jamaica, Trinidad, and beyond, from the reign of Black Kemet to twenty-first century Toronto.
About the author
Contributor Notes
Yannick Marshall is an Afrikan writer of St. Lucian and Jamaican heritage. A resident of Toronto, he is currently engaged in African-American studies at Columbia University. Marshall's debut work, Old Friend, We Made This for You (with Yemi Aganga) was published by Kellom Books in 2007.