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Psychology Suicide

Dying to Please You

Indigenous Suicide in Contemporary Canada

by (author) Roland Chrisjohn, Shaunessy M. McKay & Andrea Odessa Smith

Theytus Books
Initial publish date
Apr 2017
Suicide, History, Ethnopsychology
  • Paperback / softback

    Publish Date
    Apr 2017
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"A ground breaking, paradigm-shifting book." —Bruce E. Levine, PhD, author ofCommon Sense Rebellion, Surviving America’s Depression Epidemic and Get Up, Stand Up

Dying to Please You: Indigenous Suicide in Contemporary Canada offers and in-depth look at the crisis of Indigenous suicide in Canada. It compels us to rethink our definition of suicide and treatment methods, and re-examine the political and primary cause of Indigenous suicide. Written for those who are facing the challenge of unnecessary deaths, of themselves or of others around them, the authors strive to prevent such deaths and for the people involved to reach an understanding of what is really happening. This important book provides the framework of the history of, research and theory on, and clear alternatives to Indigenous suicide.

About the authors

Roland D. Chrisjohn, PhD is Onyota’a:ka of the Haudenausaunee. He received his doctorate in psychology (personality, individual differences and measurement) from the University of Western Ontario in 1981. He worked in direct crisis intervention services (suicidology) to Native people for 6 years during the 1980s. Currently he is an associate professor in Native Studies and lives in Lower Jemseg, New Brunswick. This is his second book for Theytus.

Roland Chrisjohn's profile page

Shaunessy M. McKay is a Mi’kmaq of Eel Ground First Nation. She received a BA in Native studies and English from St. Thomas University.

Shaunessy M. McKay's profile page

Andrea Odessa Smith, MSc, ABD is currently completing her doctorate in health policy at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario.

Andrea Odessa Smith's profile page

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