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Health & Fitness Contagious

Down the COVID-19 Rabbit Hole

Independent Scientists and Physicians Unmask the Pandemic

edited by Steven Pelech & Christopher A. Shaw

foreword by Mary Holland

Initial publish date
Nov 2024
Contagious, Vaccinations, General
  • eBook

    Publish Date
    Nov 2024
    List Price
    $19.99 USD
  • Hardback

    Publish Date
    Nov 2024
    List Price

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A detailed examination of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Down the COVID-19 Rabbit Hole discusses the widespread misuse of science during the pandemic, the likely origin of COVID-19, the pathophysiology of the disease itself, and the harms associated with the various vaccines that have been produced, particularly those based on the novel mRNA platforms. This book also looks at the widespread failure of the health professions to adequately understand and treat the disease and the consequences of the vaccines, the apparently agenda-driven responses of various governments, and the inability of the legal system to understand the implications for natural and civil rights. As well, Down the COVID-19 Rabbit Hole considers how most of the mainstream media largely became a propaganda tool for reigning governments.

The official response to the pandemic has fractured society in ways that most people could not have imagined prior to 2020. Down the COVID-19 Rabbit Hole details these consequences, offers solutions to repair the damages to society, and considers ways to heal those damaged by the experimental vaccines.

About the authors

Steven Pelech's profile page

Christopher A. Shaw is a professor at the University of British Columbia. He is a founding member and lead spokesperson for the No Games 2010 Coalition and 2010 Watch.

Christopher A. Shaw's profile page

Mary Holland, M.A., J.D., is legal advisor and advisory group chair of Health Choice.

Mary Holland's profile page

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