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Children's Fiction Imagination & Play

Do You Wonder?

illustrated by Wallace Edwards

Scholastic Canada Ltd
Initial publish date
Sep 2022
Imagination & Play, New Experience, Emotions & Feelings
  • Hardback

    Publish Date
    Sep 2022
    List Price

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Recommended Age, Grade, and Reading Levels

  • Age: 3 to 8
  • Grade: p to 3


A wonderful, mindful picture book that explores big and small questions drawn from the world around us.



Sometimes I wonder

how it feels to fly.


Do You Wonder? delivers a delightful exploration of big and small questions drawn from the world around us.


From the magic in a starry sky to a heart-lifting song, from frustration to friendship, and from everyday joys to life’s great mysteries, Wallace Edwards’s witty, absorbing art and words invite wonder, wondering and plenty of smiles.


What do you wonder?

About the author

WALLACE EDWARDS, diplômé de l’École d’art et de design de l’Ontario, était un auteur-illustrateur primé. Ses peintures et ses illustrations se retrouvent dans des collections privées et publiques, des livres, des magazines et des expositions au Canada et aux États-Unis. Il est le créateur de Sur ma route…, Qu’est-ce que la paix?, Tombé du ciel et Alphabeasts. Ce dernier a remporté le Prix littéraire du Gouverneur général en 2002. Depuis, il continue à recevoir des nominations et des récompenses prestigieuses soulignant son approche géniale des albums illustrés. Il est malheureusement décédé en 2022.


WALLACE EDWARDS was a beloved children’s book writer and illustrator, known for his richly imaginative paintings, and the sense of wonder and humour in his work. His picture books were nominated for three Governor General’s Literary Awards; he won the award for Alphabeasts. Other honours include the Amelia Frances Howard-Gibbon Award, two Independent Publisher Book Awards, a CLA Honour Book and two OLA Best Bets, among many others; and his work is on the International Youth Library White Ravens list. Edwards completed work on his final picture book, Pigs Can’t Fly, before his sad passing in December 2022.



Wallace Edwards' profile page


  • Commended, TD Summer Reading Club, Top Recommended Read
  • Short-listed, IODE Jean Throop Award
  • Commended, Best Books for Kids and Teens, Canadian Children's Book Centre

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