In this collection of witty and trenchant aphorisms, Robin Skelton draws on the cynicism of La Rochefoucauld, the Aufklärung insights of Lichtenberg and the devillish wiles of Ambrose Bierce to provide Canada with its own Devious Dictionary. Once again, Skelton proves himself to be a wizard of language. Illustrated with Ludwig Zeller's art collages.
About the author
Poet, anthologist, editor, teacher, biographer, art and literary critic, historical writer, initiated witch and occultist, Robin Skelton came to Canada in 1963, the author of five collections of poetry and nine other books. He taught at the University of Victoria for almost thirty years, teaching in the Department of English and then in the Department of Creative Writing, of which he was the founding Chairman in 1973. In 1967, together with John Peter, he founded The Malahat Review. He published approximately 1 books. His publications with Beach Holme include Wrestling the Angel (1994) and his newest title One Leaf Shaking (1996). He passed away August 22, 1997 and will be greatly missed.
Other titles by

The Voyageur Modern Canadian Literature 5-Book Bundle
The Silence on the Shore / Combat Journal for Place d'Armes / The Donnellys / In This Poem I Am / Canadian Exploration Literature

In This Poem I Am
Selected Poetry of Robin Skelton

Facing the Light

One Leaf Shaking
Collected Poems 1977-1990

Long, Long Ago

Edge of Time, The

Or So I Say

A Way of Walking
