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Children's Fiction New Experience

Aggie and the Ghost

illustrated by Matthew Forsythe

Simon & Schuster
Initial publish date
Aug 2025
New Experience, Halloween, Humorous Stories
  • Hardback

    Publish Date
    Aug 2025
    List Price

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Recommended Age, Grade, and Reading Levels

  • Age: 4 to 8
  • Grade: p to 3
  • Reading age: 4 to 8


From Matthew Forsythe, the creator of the acclaimed and beloved Pokko and the Drum, comes a surprising and pleasing picture book about rules. And sharing. And an epic game of tic-tac-toe.

Aggie is very excited to live on her own—until she finds out her new house is haunted. But no fear, the situation is nothing that can’t be fixed with a carefully considered list of rules: No haunting after dark. No stealing socks. No eating all the food.

But the ghost doesn’t like playing by the rules and challenges Aggie to an epic game of tic-tac-toe—winner gets the house.

About the author


Matthew Forsythe crée des bandes dessinées, des albums illustrés et des modèles pour l'animation. Sa bande dessinée Ojingogo a été en lice pour le prix Eisner à deux reprises, et il était le graphiste en chef de l'émission télévisée Adventure Time. Aux Éditions Scholastic, il a illustré Je m'appelle Catherine d'Annika Dunklee. Pour faciliter ses recherches, Matthew a été de mauvaise humeur tout le long de la création de ce livre. Il habite à Montréal.


Matthew Forsythe makes comics and picture books and designs for animation. His comic Ojingogo was noMinated twice for an Eisner Award, and he was the lead designer on the TV show Adventure Time. For research purposes, he was in a bad mood the whole time he drew this book. Matthew lives in Montreal.


Matthew Forsythe's profile page

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