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Science History

A Lantern on the Bow

A History of the Science Council of Canada and its Contributions to the Science and Innovation Policy Debate

edited by Jeff Kinder & Paul Dufour

contributions by Philip Enros, Roger Voyer, G. Bruce Doern, Meg Barker, Janet E. Halliwell, Graham Orpwood, Arthur Cordell, Hank Trim, Michael Jenkin, William Forward & Rick Clayton

Les Presses de l'Université d'Ottawa/University of Ottawa Press
Initial publish date
Aug 2022
History, Natural Resources, Science & Technology Policy
  • Paperback / softback

    Publish Date
    Aug 2022
    List Price
  • eBook

    Publish Date
    Aug 2022
    List Price

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A History of the Science Council of Canada and its Contributions to the Science and Innovation Policy Debate (1966–1992) was at the forefront of a re-assessment of how knowledge can shape society, as it stimulated a dynamic yet critical dialogue about the role of science, technology and innovation in Canada.
It served as a lantern on the bow illuminating themes that still resonate: priority-setting in research; the supply and demand of highly qualified personnel; foresight and science advice to government; the social and economic returns of investments in basic research and big science; natural resource management and sustainability; and, the impact of disruptive technologies and innovation and related issues of risk perception and risk assessment.
As Canada continues to experiment with its science advisory ecosystem, there is much we can learn from the history of this important institution.
This is a highly relevant book for decision makers thirsty for the insights of science broadly defined to help chart and navigate our common future.

About the authors

Jeffrey S. Kinder is a PhD candidate in the School of Public Policy and Adminstration at Carleton University.

Jeff Kinder's profile page

Paul Dufour's profile page

Philip Enros' profile page

ROGER VOYER is an Adjunct Professor, in the Faculty of Administration, University of Ottawa. Previously, he was the Research Director at the Science Council of Canada and Executive Director of the Canadian Institute for Economic Policy.

Roger Voyer's profile page

G. Bruce Doern is a professor emeritus in the School of Public Policy and Administration, Carleton University. He is the author and co-author of numerous books on Canadian politics and policy, including Faith and Fear: The Free Trade Story, with Brian Tomlin, and Canadian Public Policy: Ideas, Structure, Process, with Richard Phidd.

G. Bruce Doern's profile page

Meg Barker's profile page

Janet E. Halliwell's profile page

Graham Orpwood's profile page

Arthur Cordell's profile page

Hank Trim's profile page

Michael Jenkin's profile page

William Forward's profile page

Rick Clayton's profile page

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