Browse Books in Young Adult Fiction

Orca Soundings

The White Bicycle

7 Generations
A Plains Cree Saga


The Scratch on the Ming Vase

What Happened to Ivy

Orca Soundings GoReader Vol 5
(Knifepoint, Saving Grace)

Orca Soundings GoReader Vol 6
(Lockdown, Infiltration)

Orca Soundings GoReader Vol 3
(Blue Moon, Breathless)

Orca Soundings GoReader Vol 4
(Fastback Beach, Overdrive)

Pieces of Me


Second Chances


The Darkest Corner of the World

The Canning Season
(National Book Award Winner)


The Secret Fiend
The Boy Sherlock Holmes, His Fourth Case

You're So Sweet
Ballet School Confidential

Live to Tell

Red River Rising

Nowhere to Turn

Used to Be
The Education of Hailey Kendrick; Getting Revenge on Lauren Wood