Browse Books in Travel

The Russian and East European Tourist under Capitalism and Socialism

Sternwheelers and Canyon Cats
Whitewater Freighting on the Upper Fraser

Footsteps Along the Grand
Four Seasons of Discovery

The Niagara Escarpment
A Photographic Journey from Niagara Falls to Tobermory

Birding at Point Pelee

Against the Grain
An Irreverent View of Alberta

The Essential Guide to the Best of the City

Writing on Stone

Dreamspeaker Cruising Guide, Volume 5
The Broughtons and Vancouver Island - Kelsey Bay to Port Hardy (second edition)

My Own Devices
Airport Version

Weird Ontario Places
Humorous, Bizarre, Peculiar & Strange Locations & Attractions across the Province

The Story Behind Manitoba Names
How Cities, Towns, Villages and Whistle Stops got their Names

Storyteller, The
Memory, Secrets, Magic and Lies

Smoke in the Cockpit
The Flying Adventures of Don "Smokey" Patry

Newfoundland and Labrador Book of Everything

Hitching Rides with Buddha
Travels in Search of Japan

Bauxite, Sugar and Mud
Memories of Living in Colonial Guyana 1928-1944

The Long and Winding Road
Discovering the pleasures and treasures of Highway 97

Island Fly Fisherman
Vancouver Island

Dreamspeaker Cruising Guide, Volume 4
The San Juan Islands (second edition)

My Heart is Africa
A Flying Adventure

Wilderness on the Doorstep
Discovering Nature in Stanley Park

Jack Chiang's Thousand Islands

Understanding Belize
A Historical Guide