Browse Books in Ships & Shipbuilding
Bounty: The Greatest Sea Story of Them All
On board a legend
Halifax Explosion
Heroes and Survivors
Marine Diesel Basics 1
Maintenance, Lay-up, Winter Protection, Tropical Storage, Spring Recommission
Shipwrecks Off the East Coast
Harrowing Tales of Rescue and Disaster
The Sea Was in Their Blood
The Disappearance of the Miss Ally's Five-Man Crew
Khubilai Khan's Lost Fleet
In Search of a Legendary Armada
English Merchant Shipping 1460-1540
Canadian Railways 2-Book Bundle
Passenger and Merchant Ships of the Grand Trunk Pacific and Canadian Northern Railways / Great Western Railway of Canada
Passenger and Merchant Ships of the Grand Trunk Pacific and Canadian Northern Railways
Alaska’s Worst Maritime Disaster Nearly Happened Twice
Fire Canoe
Prairie Steamboat Days Revisited
Frontier Town: Bear River, Nova Scotia
A Snapshot in Time
The Oak Island Mystery, Solved!
Master Shipbuilders of Newfoundland and Labrador, vol 2: Notre Dame Bay to Petty Harbour
Oakville's Flower
The History of HMCS Oakville
Oakville's Flower
The History of the HMCS Oakville
Lake Boats
The Enduring Vessels of the Great Lakes
Norma & Gladys
The Famous Newfoundland Knockabout Schooner
White Ensign Flying
Corvette HMCS Trentonian
A Mind at Sea
Henry Fry and the Glorious Era of Quebec's Sailing Ships
Master Shipbuilders of Newfoundland and
Master Shipbuilders of Newfoundland and Labrador
Great White Fleet
Celebrating Canada Steamship Lines Passenger Ships