Browse Books in Social Aspects
Unmasking AI
My Mission to Protect What Is Human in a World of Machines
The Metaverse
Fully Revised and Updated Edition: Building the Spatial Internet
The Quantum Revolution
Art, Technology, Culture
We, the Data
Human Rights in the Digital Age
Selling the American People
Advertising, Optimization, and the Origins of Adtech
How to Reorient Computing for Just Sustainability
The Smartness Mandate
The Future Is Analog
How to Create a More Human World
Collective Wisdom
Co-Creating Media for Equity and Justice
The Metaverse
And How it Will Revolutionize Everything
Sensing Machines
How Sensors Shape Our Everyday Life
Discriminating Data
Correlation, Neighborhoods, and the New Politics of Recognition
Good Burdens
How to Live Joyfully in the Digital Age
Technologies of the New Real
Viral Contagion and Death of the Social
Farm Fresh Broadband
The Politics of Rural Connectivity
The Next Age of Disruption
Digital Lives in the Global City
Contesting Infrastructures
Fixing Niagara Falls
Environment, Energy, and Engineers at the World’s Most Famous Waterfall
Turning Things into Assets in Technoscientific Capitalism
The Promise of Artificial Intelligence
Reckoning and Judgment