Browse Books in Sociology

Engendering Transnational Voices
Studies in Family, Work, and Identity

Transition to Common Work
Building Community at The Working Centre

Milanese Encounters
Public Space and Vision in Contemporary Urban Italy

Wittgenstein and the Study of Politics

Social Infrastructure and Vulnerability in the Suburbs

Love's Refraction
Jealousy and Compersion in Queer Women's Polyamorous Relationships

Outsiders Still
Why Women Journalists Love - and Leave - Their Newspaper Careers

Femocratic Administration
Gender, Governance, and Democracy in Ontario

The Vertical Mosaic
An Analysis of Social Class and Power in Canada, 50th Anniversary Edition

A Good Book, In Theory
Making Sense Through Inquiry, Third Edition

Drugs and Society

States and Markets
Sociology of Public Policy in Canada

Liberal Nationalisms
Empire, State, and Civil Society in Scotland and Quebec

Apocalypse Delayed
The Story of Jehovah's Witnesses, Third Edition

Small Business and the City
The Transformative Potential of Small Scale Entrepreneurship

Thinking Radical Democracy
The Return to Politics in Post-War France

The Housing and Economic Experiences of Immigrants in U.S. and Canadian Cities

California Mennonites
From Empire to the World
Migrant London and Paris in the Cinema

Street Sex Work and Canadian Cities
Resisting a Dangerous Order

Teenage Troubles
Youth and Deviance in Canada

A View from Quebec

The "Greening" of Costa Rica
Women, Peasants, Indigenous Peoples, and the Remaking of Nature
The Moral Economy of Cities
Shaping Good Citizens