Browse Books in Media Studies
Filming Politics
Communism and the Portrayal of the Working Class at the National Film Board of Canada, 1939-46
How Canadians Communicate, Vol. 2
Media, Globalization and Identity
Free Speech in Fearful Times
After 9/11 in Canada, the U.S., Australia & Europe
Politics, Society, and the Media, Second Edition
Canadian Perspectives
Digital Media, Critical Theory, and the Humanities
With Every Mistake
The Virtual Marshall McLuhan
Le Le Nouveau roman de l'énergie nationale
Analyse des discours promotionnels d'Hydro-Québec de 1964 à 1997
Le Nouveau roman de l'énergie nationale
Analyse des discours promotionnels d'Hydro-Québec de 1964 à 1997
Understanding New Media
Augmented Knowledge and Culture
The Invention of Journalism Ethics, First Edition
The Path to Objectivity and Beyond
The New Politics of Surveillance and Visibility
The Montreal Massacre
A Story of Membership Categorization Analysis
Asian Women
Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism
Understanding Me
Lectures and Interviews
Don't Believe It!
How Lies Becomes News
Invention of Journalism Ethics
The Path to Objectivity and Beyond
No-Nonsense Guide to Global Media
Trajectoires culturelles transaméricaines
Médias, publicité, littérature et mondialisation
De l'écrit à l'écran
Les réécritures filmiques du roman africain francophone
Understanding Media
The Extensions of Man
Memoirs of a Media Maverick
Researching Audiences
A Practical Guide to Methods in Media Audience Analysis