Browse Books in Ethnic Studies

Minority Relations
Intergroup Conflict and Cooperation

From the Iron House
Imprisonment in First Nations Writing

Southern Mercy
Empire and American Civilization in Juvenile Reform, 1890-1944

Yakuglas' Legacy
The Art and Times of Charlie James

The Education of African Canadian Children
Critical Perspectives

Challenging Addiction in Canadian Literature and Classrooms

Learning and Teaching Together
Weaving Indigenous Ways of Knowing into Education
Blockades and Resistance
Studies in Actions of Peace and the Temagami Blockades of 1988-89

Education of African Canadian Children
Critical Perspectives

Indigenous Homelessness
Perspectives from Canada, Australia, and New Zealand

Cuba beyond the Beach
Stories of Life in Havana

Towards a Prairie Atonement

Exhibiting Nation
Multicultural Nationalism (and Its Limits) in Canada’s Museums

Igbo in the Atlantic World
African Origins and Diasporic Destinations

How Alcohol Is Killing My People (and Yours)

Borders in Service
Enactments of Nationhood in Transnational Call Centres

Invisible North
The Search for Answers on a Troubled Reserve

An Intimate Wilderness
Arctic Voices in a Land of Vast Horizons

Abenaki Daring
The Life and Writings of Noel Annance, 1792-1869

Redemption Songs
How Bob Marley's Nova Scotia Song Lights the Way Past Racism

Sounding Thunder
The Stories of Francis Pegahmagabow

The Threshold of Manifest Destiny
Gender and National Expansion in Florida

Price Paid
The Fight for First Nations Survival

From Bombs to Books
The remarkable stories of refugee children and their families at two exceptional Canadian schools