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Browse Books in Archaeology

Kugaluk Site and the Nuvorugmiut

The Archaeology and History of a Nineteenth-Century Mackenzie Inuit Society

by (author) David A. Morrison

Prehistoric Cultural Change at Kitselas Canyon

by (author) Gary Coupland

Beluga Hunters

An Archaeological Reconstruction of the History and Culture of the Mackenzie Delta Kittegaryumiut

by (author) Robert McGhee

Carson Site and the Late Ceramic Period in Passamaquoddy Bay, New Brunswick

by (author) David Sanger

Archaeological Reconnaissance at Great Bear Lake

by (author) Donald Woodforde Clark

Native Peoples of Canada

An Annotated Bibliography of Population Biology, Health and Illness

edited by D.A. Rokala & C.A. Meikljohn

Tell el-Hesi

Modern Military Trenching and Muslim Cemetery in Field I (Strata I-II)

by (author) Lawrence E. Toombs

Franklin Era in Canadian Arctic History, 1845-1859

edited by Patricia D. Sutherland

Preceramic Occupations Along the North Shore of Lake Ontario

by (author) Arthur C.B. Roberts

Lithics and Livelihood

Stone Tool Technologies of Central and Southern Interior British Columbia

by (author) Martin Paul Robert Magne

1975 and 1978 Rescue Excavations at the Draper Site

Introduction and Settlement Patterns

by (author) William David Finlayson

Royal Inscriptions on Clay Cones from Ashur now in Istanbul

by (author) Veysel Donbaz & A. Kirk Grayson

Rat Indian Creek Site and the Late Prehistoric Period in the Interior Northern Yukon

by (author) Raymond Joseph LeBlanc

Hood Site

A Historic Neutral Town of 1640 A.D.

by (author) Paul Anthony Lennox

Diachronic Study of Dental Palaeopathology and Attritional Status of Prehistoric Ontario Pre-Iroquois and Iroquois Populations

by (author) J.R. Patterson & David Kingsnorth

Reconstructing Ontario Iroquoian Village Organization — Ontario Iroquois Tradition Longhouses

by (author) Gary A. Warrick & Christine F. Dodd

McIntyre Site

Archaeology, Subsistence and Environment

edited by Richard B. Johnston

Thule Village at Brooman Point, High Arctic Canada

by (author) Robert McGhee

Beckstead Site - 1977

by (author) James F. Pendergast

Petrological Analysis of Kettle Point Chert and its Spatial and Temporal Distribution in Regional Prehistory

by (author) Scarlett Emilie Janusas

Chemical Analysis of Prehistoric Human Bone from Five Temporally Distinct Populations in Southern Ontario

by (author) Mary Anne Katzenberg

La céramique préhistorique canadienne / La ceramica prehistorica canadiense / Canadian prehistoric pottery

Essai de systématisation de l'analyse de la décoration / Ensayo de sistematizacion del analisis de las decoraciones / A tentative systematization of decoration analysis

by (author) Roger J.M. Marois

Once Upon a River

Archaeology and Geology of the Bow River Valley at Calgary, Alberta, Canada

by (author) Michael Wilson

Archaeological Survey of Canada Annual Review 1980-1981 / Commission archéologique du Canada, rapports annuels 1980-1981

edited by Robert McGhee

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