Browse Books in Cultural

The Bella Coola Indians

Living on the Land
Change Among the Inuit of Baffin Island

Port O'Call
Memories of the Portuguese White Fleet in St. John's, Newfoundland
Pacaa Nova
Clash of Cultures on the Brazilian Frontier

The Pacaa Nova
Clash of Cultures on the Brazilian Frontier

The Queen's People
A Study of Hegemony, Coercion, and Accommodation among the Okanagan of Canada

In the Shadow of Antichrist
The Old Believers of Alberta

Dire Straits
The Dilemmas of a Fishery: The Case of Digby Neck and the Islands

Living in a Material World
Canadian and American Approaches to Material Culture

Life Lived Like a Story
Life Stories of Three Yukon Native Elders

Lac La Biche and the Early Fur Traders
Landscapes of the Mind
Worlds of Sense and Metaphor

Saying Isn't Believing
Conversation, Narrative and the Discourse of Belief in a French Newfoundland Community

The Native Game
Settler Perceptions of Indian/Settler Relations in Central Labrador

The Northern Route
An Ethnography of Refugee Experiences
Archaeology of Gonja, Ghana
Excavations at Daboya
Peasant Society in Konku
A Study of Right and Left Subcastes in South India

Talking Violence
An Anthropological Interpretation of Conversation in the City

The Dynamics of Hutterite Society
An Analytical Approach

Coast Salish Essays

The Chilliwacks and Their Neighbors

The Anglo-Saxons
Synthesis and Achievement

Sea Change
A Shetland Society, 1970-1979
Bargaining in the Governance of Pacific Coastal Resources
Research and Reform