Browse Books in Anthropology

Homo Erectus
Papers in Honor of Davidson Black

Homo Erectus
Papers in Honor of Davidson Black
Agrarian Class Conflict

Totem Poles
An Illustrated Guide

Contributions to Physical Anthropology, 1978-1980
Class, Race, and Colonialism in West Malaysia
The Indian Case

Community Development
Learning and Action

Community Development
Learning and Action

The Plains Cree
An Ethnographic, Historical, and Comparative Study

Bureaucracy and World View
Studies in the Logic of Official Interpretation

The Yearbook of Symbolic Anthropology

The Salish People: Volume II
The Squamish and the Lillooet

The Salish People: Volume III
The Mainland Halkomaelem

The Salish People: Volume I
The Thompson and the Okanagan

The Salish People: Volume IV
The Sechelt and South-Eastern Tribes of Vancouver Island

The Indians of Canada

The Indians of Canada

The Invisible French
The French in Metropolitan Toronto
Mankind's Future in the Pacific
The Plenary and Special Lectures of the Thirteenth Pacific Science Congress, August 1975

A House Divided
Anthropological Studies of Factionalism

The White Arctic
Anthropological Essays on Tutelage and Ethnicity
Three Decades In Shiwa

Contributions to Anthropology
The Interior Peoples of Northern Alaska