Browse Books in Anthropology

Introducing Archaeology, Third Edition

Ancient Bones

Social Palliation
Canadian Muslims' Storied Lives on Living and Dying

Planet Canada
How Our Expats Are Shaping the Future

Ideas to Postpone the End of the World

A Long Journey
Residential Schools in Labrador and Newfoundland

Words of the Inuit
A Semantic Stroll through a Northern Culture

Ancient Bones
Unearthing the Astonishing New Story of How We Became Human

Gringo Love
Stories of Sex Tourism in Brazil

They Write Their Dream on the Rocks Forever
Rock Writings in the Stein River Valley of British Columbia

International Intervention and the Problem of Legitimacy
Encounters in Postwar Bosnia-Herzegovina

Cataloguing Culture
Legacies of Colonialism in Museum Documentation

Shifting Livelihoods
Gold Mining and Subsistence in the Chocó, Colombia

Feasting Wild
In Search of the Last Untamed Food

The Untold Story of the Métis of Western Québec

After the Famine
The Irish Family Farm in Eastern Ontario, 1851-1881

Chasing Lemurs
My Journey into the Heart of Madagascar

What Does It Mean to Be Human? Second Canadian Edition

Everyday Evil
Why Our World Is the Way It Is

Health in the Anthropocene
Living Well on a Finite Planet

Indigenous Responses

A Dog Pissing at the Edge of a Path
Animal Metaphors in an Eastern Indonesian Society

The Anthropology of Precious Minerals

Morality at the Margins
Youth, Language, and Islam in Coastal Kenya