Browse Books in Social Science

Paleoecological Model for Northwest Coast Prehistory

Archaeological Salvage Projects, 1974

A contextual study of the Caribou Eskimo kayak

Proceedings of the second congress, Canadian Ethnology Society: Volume 2

A basketful of Indian culture change

Boys Site and the Early Ontario Iroquois Tradition

Koniag-Pacific Eskimo Bibliography

Of Men and Herds in Barrenland Prehistory

Cactus Flower Site in Southeastern Alberta
1972-1974 Excavations

Canadian Ethnology Service: Annual review 1974

Cree narrative
Expressing the personal meanings of events

Place of refuge for all time
Migration of the American Potawatomi into Upper Canada, 1830 to 1850

Grant Lake Site, Keewatin District, Northwest Territories

A Multi-Component Habitation Site in Bonavista Bay

Prehistory of Lake Athabasca
An Initial Statement

The Canadian Fact Book on Poverty
The Canadian Council on Social Development
Folklore of Nova Scotia
Men Released from Prison
Saving the Canadian City, the first phase 1880-1920
An Anthology of Early Articles on Urban Reform

Irish Settlements in Eastern Canada
A study of cultural transfer and adaptation

Critical Approaches to Rubén Darío
Thinking About Change