Browse Books in Social Science

From Charity to Change
Inside the World of Canadian Foundations

The Legitimacy Clash
Challenges to Democracy in Multinational States

Les Juifs de la Révolution tranquille
Regards d’une minorité religieuse sur le Québec de 1945 à 1976

The Prison Lady
True Stories and Life Lessons from Both Sides of the Bars

Art for Coexistence
Unlearning the Way We See Migration

Reckoning with Racism
Police, Judges, and the RDS Case

Displacement City
Fighting for Health and Homes in a Pandemic

Kisses Deep

The Sensory Studies Manifesto
Tracking the Sensorial Revolution in the Arts and Human Sciences
The Oxford Handbook of the Sociology of the Middle East

The Future Is Analog
How to Create a More Human World

Solidarity Beyond Bars
Unionizing Prison Labour

Canadian Business Owner’s Guide to Reconciliation
Best Practices for Indigenous Inclusion

Clearing the Plains
Disease, Politics of Starvation, and the Loss of Indigenous Life

Ingredients for Revolution
A History of American Feminist Restaurants, Cafes, and Coffeehouses

October 2022

Under the Weather
Reimagining Mobility in the Climate Crisis

Doing Anti-Oppressive Social Work, 4th edition
Rethinking Theory and Practice

TautukKonik | Looking Back
Piusigilauttavut Labradoriup Taggâni, 1969–1986 | A Portrait of Inuit Life in Northern Labrador, 1969–1986

Opimotewina wina kapagamawat Witigowa / Journeys of The One to Strike the Wetigo

Black Women Under State
Surveillance, Poverty, & the Violence of Social Assitance

Trust Kids!
Stories on Youth Autonomy and Confronting Adult Supremacy

I Will Live for Both of Us
A History of Colonialism, Uranium Mining, and Inuit Resistance