Browse Books in Social Science

Social Cohesion and Economic Prosperity

Who Cares?
Women's Work, Childcare, and Welfare State Redesign

Strategic Planning in Social Service Organizations
A Practical Guide

Great Peace of Montreal of 1701
French-Native Diplomacy in the Seventeenth Century

Love Strong as Death
Lucy Peel’s Canadian Journal, 1833-1836

The Challenge of Children’s Rights for Canada
Studies in Childhood and Family in Canada

On the Edge of Empire
Gender, Race, and the Making of British Columbia, 1849-1871

Door is Open, The

Between State and Market
Essay on Charities Law and Policy in Canada

The Satellite Sex
The Media and Women’s Issues in English Canada, 1966-1971

Out of Poverty
And Into Something More Comfortable

Tolerance and Intolerance
Social Conflict in the Age of the Crusades

Over the Next Hill
An Ethnography of RVing Seniors in North America, Second Edition

Dualism and Hierarchy C
Processes of Binary Combination in Keo Society

Citizens Plus
Aboriginal Peoples and the Canadian State

The Door is Open
Memoir of a Soup Kitchen Volunteer

The Canadian General Election of 2000

The Human Way
Introducing Anthropology, Psychology, and Sociology

West Indians of Costa Rica
Race, Class, and the Integration of an Ethnic Minority

Thinking Like A Woman
Personal Life and Political Ideas
In Her Own Time Tpb

Regulating Girls and Women
Sexuality, Family, and the Law in Ontario, 1920-1960

Reimagining Social Welfare
Beyond the Keynesian Welfare State