Browse Books in Social Science

Postcolonial Resistance
Culture, Liberation, and Transformation

Reclaiming the Nation
Muslim Women and the law in India

Presargonic Period
Early Periods, Volume 1 (2700-2350 BC)

Journal of Prisoners on Prisons V16 #2

Branding Miss G _
Third Wave Feminists and the Media

The Politics of the Past in an Argentine Working-Class Neighbourhood

Power Struggles
Hydro Development and First Nations in Manitoba and Quebec

Why Information Is Not Enough

Why Information Is Not Enough

Women's Health in Canada
Critical Perspectives on Theory and Policy

My Life as a Dame /hc
The Personal and Political Writings of Christina McCall

Small is Possible (PDF)
Life in a Local Economy

Northern Love
An exploration of Canadian Masculinity

A Journey Through the Global Criminal Underworld

Autobiographical Notes on Sexuality, Gender & Identity

Revolution or Renaissance
Making the Transition from an Economic Age to a Cultural Age

Canadian Firsts
Inventions, Sports, Medicine, Space, Women's Rights, Explorers, Science, Research, Arts, World Affairs

Le Piège de la violence et les jeunes
Aboriginal Self-Government in Canada, Third Edition
Current Trends and Issues

Solidarity First
Canadian Workers and Social Cohesion

Military Workfare
The Soldier and Social Citizenship in Canada

Colonial Systems of Control
Criminal Justice in Nigeria

Now Playing
Early Moviegoing and the Regulation of Fun