Browse Books in Social Science

Wall Flower
A Life on the German Border

Modern Social Thought
An Introduction

Literary Land Claims
The “Indian Land Question” from Pontiac’s War to Attawapiskat

Civic Symbol
Creating Toronto's New City Hall, 1952-1966

Research as Resistance, Second Edition
Revisiting Critical, Indigenous, and Anti-Oppressive Approaches

Seanchaidh na Coille / Memory-Keeper of the Forest
Anthology of Scottish-Gaelic Literature of Canada

Points of Entry
How Canada’s Immigration Officers Decide Who Gets in

Across the Rivers of Memory

Never Far Apart

A Name Unbroken

Where Courage Lives

Hope's Reprise

Des outils pour le changement
Une approche critique en études du développement

Extreme Mean
Ending Cyberabuse at Work, School, and Home

The Village Effect
How Face-to-Face Contact Can Make Us Healthier and Happier

The Comeback
How Aboriginals Are Reclaiming Power And Influence

The Untold Story of the Fight for Equality in the RCMP

Stolen Continents
Conquest and Resistance in the Americas

A Superior Man

Children of the Broken Treaty
Canada's Lost Promise and One Girl's Dream

Life or Death
A Matter of Choice?

Reading Cultural Anthropology
An Ethnographic Introduction

Asking for It
The Alarming Rise of Rape Culture - and What We Can Do about It