Browse Books in Zoology
The Cicindelidae of Canada
The Odonata of Canada and Alaska
Volume One, Part I: General, Part II: The Zygoptera-Damselflies
The Odonata of Canada and Alaska
Volume Two, Part III: The Anisoptera-Four Families
Marine Distributions
Changes in the Fauna of Ontario
A Contribution of the Division of Zoology and Palaeontology
Bensley's Practical Anatomy of the Rabbit
An Elementary Laboratory Text-Book in Mammalian Anatomy (Eighth Edition, Revised and Edited)
The Honey Trap
How the Good Intentions of Urban Beekeepers Risk Ecological Disaster
Shrews and Moles of British Columbia
The Calf with Two Heads
Transatlantic Natural History in the Canadas
Butterflies of Maine and the Canadian Maritime Provinces
The Natural History and Diversity of Wasps, Bees and Ants
Sasquatch Discovered
The Biography of Dr. John Bindernagel
Pacific Salmon Field Guide
All in the family!
Fur, hair and feathers living together
Passions for Birds
Science, Sentiment, and Sport
Killing Bugs for Business and Beauty
Canada's Aerial War against Forest Pests, 1913-1930
Bears of the North
A Year Inside Their Worlds
Smitten by Giraffe
My Life as a Citizen Scientist
Atlantic Canada Animal Tracks
Rocky Mountain Animal Tracks
Saskatchewan Animal Tracks
Northern California Animal Tracks
Washington and Oregon Animal Tracks
The Reign of Wolf 21
The Saga of Yellowstone’s Legendary Druid Pack