Browse Books in Global Warming & Climate Change

Hot Mess
Mothering Through a Code Red Climate Emergency

After Ice
Cold Humanities for a Warming Planet

The Carbon Tax Question
Clarifying Canada’s Most Consequential Policy Debate

Climate Hope
Stories of Action in an Age of Global Crisis

The Honey Trap
How the Good Intentions of Urban Beekeepers Risk Ecological Disaster

Hot Mess
Mothering Through a Code Red Climate Emergency

Urban Mobility
How the iPhone, COVID, and Climate Changed Everything

The Story of Upfront Carbon
How a Life of Just Enough Offers a Way Out of the Climate Crisis

Warming Up
How Climate Change is Changing Sport - A GUARDIAN SPORTS BOOK OF THE YEAR 2024

Runaway Climate
What the Geological Past Can Tell Us about the Coming Climate Change Catastrophe

Gaia's Web
How Digital Environmentalism Can Combat Climate Change, Restore Biodiversity, Cultivate Empathy, and Regenerate the Earth

Intervention Earth
Life-Saving Ideas from the World's Climate Engineers

Ecology for the 99%
Twenty Capitalist Myths Debunked

The Great Greenwashing
How Brands, Governments, and Influencers Are Lying to You

Capturing Glaciers
A History of Repeat Photography and Global Warming

Between Doom & Denial
Facing Facts about Climate Change

"The Caribou Taste Different Now"
Inuit Elders Observe Climate Change

Generation Dread
Finding Purpose in an Age of Eco-Anxiety

Breaking Ice
Renewable Resource and Ocean Management in the Canadian North

Prince Edward Island Accounts of Canada's Biggest Storm

Climate Justice and Participatory Research
Building Climate-Resilient Commons

No More Harveys

No More Harveys

Fire Weather
The Making of a Beast