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Browse Books in Science

The Quantum Ten

A Story of Passion, Tragedy, Ambition and Science

by (author) Sheilla Jones

Biology of the Snapping Turtle (Chelydra serpentina)

edited by Anthony C. Steyermark, Michael S. Finkler & Ronald J. Brooks
foreword by Whit Gibbons

Behavioural Ecology

edited by Etienne Danchin, Luc-Alain Giraldeau & Frank Cezilly

The Quirks & Quarks Guide to Space

42 Questions (and Answers) About Life, the Universe, and Everything

by (author) Jim Lebans
introduction by Bob McDonald

Bigfoot Encounters in New York & New england

Documented Evidence, Stranger than Fiction

by (author) Robert E. Bartholomew & Paul B. Bartholomew

The Rise of Animals

Evolution and Diversification of the Kingdom Animalia

by (author) Mikhail A. Fedonkin, James G. Gehling, Kathleen Grey, Guy M. Narbonne & Patricia Vickers-Rich
foreword by Arthur C. Clarke


The Mechanism of Evolution

by (author) Graham Bell

Genetically Modified Diplomacy

The Global Politics of Agricultural Biotechnology and the Environment

by (author) Peter Andrée

Hypoxia and the Circulation

by (author) Robert Roach
edited by Peter D. Wagner & Peter Hackett

Energy in Nature and Society

General Energetics of Complex Systems

by (author) Vaclav Smil

The Sleep of Others and the Transformation of Sleep Research

by (author) Kenton Kroker

Rejuvenating the Sun and Avoiding Other Global Catastrophes

by (author) Martin Beech

Owls of the United States and Canada

A Complete Guide to Their Biology and Behavior

by (author) Wayne Lynch

Encyclopedia of Aviculture

by (author) Glen Holland

Raptor Research and Management Techniques

by (author) David M. Bird

Good Crop / Bad Crop

Seed Politics and the Future of Food in Canada

by (author) Devlin Kuyek

Blip, Ping, and Buzz

Making Sense of Radar and Sonar

by (author) Mark Denny

Rational Environment Management of Agrochemicals

Risk Assessment, Monitoring, and Remedial Action

by (author) Ivan R. Kennedy, Keith Solomon, Shirley Gee, Angus Crosnan & Shuo Wang

Between the Summit and the Sea

Central Veracruz in the Nineteenth Century

by (author) Alfred H. Siemens

Birds of British Columbia, Volume 2

Nonpasserines - Diurnal Birds of Prey through Woodpeckers

by (author) Wayne Campbell, Neil K. Dawe, Ian McTaggart-Cowan, John M. Cooper, Gary W. Kaiser & Michael C.E. McNall

Ebb and Flow

Tides and Life on Our Once and Future Planet

by (author) Tom Koppel

The Handbook of Science and Technology Studies, third edition

edited by Edward J. Hackett, Olga Amsterdamska, Michael E. Lynch & Judy Wajcman

Major Transitions in Vertebrate Evolution

edited by Jason S. Anderson & Hans-Dieter Sues

Healing Natures, Repairing Relationships

New Perspectives on Restoring Ecological Spaces and Consciousness

edited by Robert L. France

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