Browse Books in Religion
Whitehead and God
Prolegomena to Theological Reconstruction
Anti-Judaism in Early Christianity
Paul and the Gospels
Law in Religious Communities in the Roman Period
The Debate over Torah and Nomos in Post-Biblical Judaism and Early Christianity
Footnotes to a Theology
The Karl Barth Colloquium of 1972
Les sciences religieuses au Québec depuis 1972
Ashkenazic Jewry in Transition
The Study of Religion in British Columbia
A State-of-the-Art Review
Religious Studies in Alberta
A State-of-the-Art Review
A Victorian Missionary and Canadian Indian Policy
Cultural Synthesis vs Cultural Replacement
Competition in Religious Life
Clinical Pastoral Supervision and the Theology of Charles Gerkin
Dangerous Food
1 Corinthians 8-10 in Its Context
The Religious Dreamworld of Apuleius’ Metamorphoses
Recovering a Forgotten Hermeneutic
Love and the Soul
Psychological Interpretations of the Eros and Psyche Myth
The Social Uplifters
Presbyterian Progressives and the Social Gospel in Canada 1875-1915
Native Religious Traditions
The Fixed and the Fickle
Religion and Identity in New Zealand
Obedience, Suspicion and the Gospel of Mark
A Mennonite-Feminist Exploration of Biblical Authority
Young Man Shinran
A Reappraisal of Shinran’s Life
Linking Sexuality and Gender
Naming Violence against Women in The United Church of Canada
Florence Nightingale on Mysticism and Eastern Religions
Collected Works of Florence Nightingale, Volume 4
A Study in Anti-Gnostic Polemics
Irenaeus, Hippolytus and Epiphanius
The Rhetoric of the Babylonian Talmud, Its Social Meaning and Context
Ritual and Ethnic Identity
A Comparative Study of the Social Meaning of Liturgical Ritual in Synagogues