Browse Books in Political Science

Ford Nation
Two Brothers, One Vision

Building Bridges
Case Studies in Collaborative Governance in Canada

Strategic Communication in Canada
Planning Effective PR Campaigns

Canada: The State of the Federation 2015
Canadian Federalism and Infrastructure

Politics and Marketing in a Divided Age

The Public Sector in an Age of Austerity
Perspectives from Canada’s Provinces and Territories

The Public Sector in an Age of Austerity
Perspectives from Canada's Provinces and Territories

Small Cities, Big Issues
Reconceiving Community in a Neoliberal Era

American Nightmare
Facing the Challenge of Fascism

Transboundary Environmental Governance Across the World's Longest Border

Sovereignty and Command in Canada–US Continental Air Defence, 1940–57

Extralegal Groups in Post-Conflict Liberia
How Trade Makes the State

Security Entrepreneurs
Performing Protection in Post-Cold War Europe

Accountability and Responsiveness at the Municipal Level
Views from Canada

Citizenship as a Regime
Canadian and International Perspectives

Towards Continental Environmental Policy?
North American Transnational Networks and Governance

From the Streets to the State
Changing the World by Taking Power

Reflections on Canada's Past, Present and Future in International Law/Réflexions sur le passé, le présent et l'avenir du Canada en droit international

Political Institutions and Practical Wisdom
Between Rules and Practice

Who Are You and Why Are You Here?
Tales of International Development

Beyond the People
Social Imaginary and Constituent Imagination

Being Prime Minister

Michi Saagiig Nishnaabeg
This Is Our Territory

The Battle For Paradise
Puerto Rico Takes on the Disaster Capitalists