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Heaven's Gate
Enabling Engagements
Edmund Spenser and the Poetics of Patronage
Felicia Hemans: Selected Poems, Prose and Letters
Selected Poems, Prose and Letters
A Sudden Sky
Selected Poems
The Ring and the Book
A Sudden Sky
Selected Poems
Household Hints for the End of Time
Sheep's Vigil by a Fervent Person
A transelation of Alberto Caeiro / Fernando Pessoa's O Guardador de Rebanhos
Poems New and Collected
The Well Wrought Urn
Studies in the Structure of Poetry
Silence after the Music, The
Silence Apres la Musique, La
Selected Verse of Thomas D'Arcy McGee
Elizabeth Jane Weston
Collected Writings
The Arches
Flexible Design
Revisionary Poetics in Blake's Vala or The Four Zoas
Zembla's Rocks
Continuation II
Keep it All
Infinite Worlds
Green Alembic, The
White Stone
The Alice Poems
Wrestling with Angels
New and Selected Poems 1960-1995
Terrorist Letters
The Spirit Level