Browse Books in Ancient, Classical & Medieval

Wrong Norma

She Who Lies Above

After Beowulf

H of H Playbook

Answer to Blue

Norma Jeane Baker of Troy

The Odyssey

The Brightest Thing

The Herb Garden

Book One of On the River of Time


The Hundred Lives

The Lays of Marie de France

Thalia Delighting in Song
Essays on Ancient Greek Poetry

Thalia Delighting in Song
Essays on Ancient Greek Poetry

Theogony / Works and Days

The Metabolism of Desire
The Poetry of Guido Cavalcanti

The Early Greek Poets and Their Times

The Criticism of Didactic Poetry
Essays on Lucretius, Virgil, and Ovid

Woman's Songs in Ancient Greece

The History of the Kings of Britain

The Alexandreis
A Twelfth-Century Epic

Le Court d’Amours de Mahieu le Poirier
La Suite anonyme de la Court d’Amours

Lyric Rude and Erotic