Browse Books in Animation
Animation Nation
How We Built A Cartoon Empire
The Animator's Survival Kit: Dialogue, Directing, Acting and Animal Action
(Richard Williams' Animation Shorts)
The Animator's Survival Kit: Walks
(Richard Williams' Animation Shorts)
The Animator's Survival Kit: Runs, Jumps and Skips
(Richard Williams' Animation Shorts)
The Animator's Survival Kit: Flexibility and Weight
(Richard Williams' Animation Shorts)
Anvils, Mallets & Dynamite: The Unauthorized Biography of Looney Tunes
The Unauthorized Biography of Looney Tunes
Pulling a Rabbit Out of a Hat
The Making of Roger Rabbit
The Films of Pixar Animation Studio
Japanese Animation
Time Out of Mind
Estonian Animation
Between Genius and Utter Illiteracy
Yellow Crocodiles and Blue Oranges
Russian Animated Film since World War II