Browse Books in Animals
A is for Arctic
Natural Wonders of a Polar World
Nature of Wolves
An Intimate Portrait

Ontario Birds

No Path But My Own
Horseback Adventures in the Chilcotin & the Rockies

Cranes Their Biology, Husbandry and Conservation

Life with Birds LIM ED

Last Cast, The

Wild Things
Nature, Culture, and Tourism in Ontario, 1790-1914

The Last Cast
Fishing Reminiscences

The Canadian Cowboy
Stories of Cows, Cowboys and Cayuses
Killer Whales
The Natural History and Genealogy of Orcinus orca in British Columbia and Washington State
Physiological Ecology of Pacific Salmon

Hawking with Golden Eagles

Cheng & the Golden Pheasant
The biography of Cheng Tso-Hsin by Yang Qun-Rong

Saltwater Fly Fishing
For Pacific Salmon

Eastern Coyote

Wildlife of Nova Scotia

The Supreme Trophy Trout
Masters of the Ocean Realm
Whales, Dolphins, and Porpoises

A Natural History
Adam's River

A Ghost in the Water

Animal Victims in Modern Fiction
From Sanctity to Sacrifice