Browse Books in Animals

Carnivores of British Columbia

The Black Grizzly of Whiskey Creek

What Species of Creatures
Animal Relations from the New World

Confessions of a Herpetologist
Wisdom of Birds, The
An Illustrated History of Ornithology

Deer World

Nature's Little Wonders

Caribou and the North
A Shared Future

A Beaver is Eating My Canoe
True Tales to make you Laugh, Chortle, Snicker and Feel Inspired

Eagles of Hornby Island
My Tree-top Neighbours

Bear Attacks in Canada

Island Salmon Fisherman
Vancouver Island Hotspots

The Trouble with Lions
A Glasgow Vet in Africa

Ferocious Summer, The
Adelie Penguins and the Warming of Antarctica

Biology of the Snapping Turtle (Chelydra serpentina)

The Greatest Elephant in the World

Garden Bugs of British Columbia
Gardening to Attract, Repel and Control

Garden Bugs of Ontario
Gardening to Attract, Repel and Control

Garden Bugs of Alberta
Gardening to Attract, Repel and Control

Alaska's Predators
Their Ecology & Conservation

Game Bird Breeders Handbook
Commercial and Ornamental

Tidepool & Reef
Marinelife Guide to the Pacific Northwest Coast

Return of Caribou to Ungava

Operation Orca
Springer, Luna and the Struggle to Save West Coast Killer Whales