Browse Books in Physician & Patient
Childhood Trauma, Adult Illness, and the Need for a Health Care Revolution
Ordinary Deaths
Stories from Memory
Cancer Confidential
Backstage Dramas in the Radiation Clinic
The Care We Dream Of
Liberatory and Transformative Approaches to LGBTQ+ Health
Breathe, Baby, Breathe!
Neonatal Intensive Care, Prematurity, and Complicated Pregnancies
In Two Voices
A Patient and a Neurosurgeon Tell Their Story
Good Medicine
The Art of Ethical Care in Canada
Love, Fear, and Health
How Our Attachments to Others Shape Health and Health Care
Love, Fear, and Health
How Our Attachments to Others Shape Health and Health Care
Talk to Your Doc
The Patient's Guide
Cultural Competency Skills for Health Professionals
A Workbook for Caring Across Cultures
The Art of Medicine
Healing and the Limits of Technology
"And Neither Have I Wings to Fly":
Labelled and Locked Up in Canada's Oldest Institution
After the Error
Speaking Out About Patient Safety to Save Lives
My Leaky Body
Tales from the Gurney
The Woman Who Swallowed Her Cat
And Other Gruesome Medical Tales
Take As Directed
Your Prescription for Safe Health Care in Canada
Operating Room Confidential
What Really Goes On When You Go Under
Doctors, Patients, and Society
Power and Authority in Medical Care
Emotional and Interpersonal Dimensions of Health Services
Enriching the Art of Care with the Science of Care
Guidelines for Managing the Client with Intellectual Disability in the Emergency Room
Guidelines for Managing Patients with Development Disability in the Emergency Room
Death Talk
The Case Against Euthanasia and Physician-Assisted Suicide
What Your Doctor Really Thinks
Diagnosing the Doctor-Patient Relationship