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Browse Books in Women Authors

Writings by Western Icelandic Women

translated by Kirsten Wolf

Feminism in Women's Detective Fiction

edited by Glenwood Irons

Our Own Agendas

Autobiographical Essays by Women Associated with McGill University

by (author) Margaret Gillett & Ann Beer

Alice Munro

A Double Life

by (author) Catherine Sheldrick Ross

Women of the Word

Jewish Women and Jewish Writing

edited by Judith R. Baskin
contributions by Sara Horowitz, Kathryn Hellerstein, Sarah Blacher Cohen, Naomi Sokoloff, Judith Dishon, Shmuel Niger, Ruth Adler, Norma Fain Pratt, Laura Wexler, Janet Burstein, Carole S. Kessner, Anne Lapidus Lerner, Yael Feldman & Miri Kubovy

Isak Dinesen and Narrativity

by (author) Gurli A. Woods

Unsex'd Revolutionaries

Five Women Novelists of the 1790's

by (author) Eleanor Ty

Silenced Sextet

Six Nineteenth-Century Canadian Women Novelists

by (author) Carrie MacMillan & Lorraine McMullen

Mapping Our Selves

Canadian Women's Autobiography

by (author) Helen M. Buss

Alice Munro

A Double Life

by (author) Catherine Sheldrick Ross

Purple Springs

by (author) Nellie Lillian McClung

Katherine Anne Porter


edited by Joan Givner

Margaret Atwood

A Feminist Poetics

by (author) Frank Davey

The Wheel of Things

A Biography of Lucy Maud Montgomery

by (author) Mollie Gillen

A Woman with a Purpose

The Diaries of Elizabeth Smith, 1872-1884

edited by Veronica Strong-Boag

A Woman with a Purpose

The Diaries of Elizabeth Smith, 1872-1884

edited by Veronica Strong-Boag

Angéline de Montbrun

A Psychological Romance of Quebec

by (author) Laure Conan
translated by Yves Brunelle

Angéline de Montbrun

A Psychological Romance of Quebec

by (author) Laure Conan
translated by Yves Brunelle

Collected Poems

by (author) Isabella Valancy Crawford
series edited by Douglas Lochhead
introduction by James Reaney

Collected Poems

by (author) Isabella Valancy Crawford
series edited by Douglas Lochhead
introduction by James Reaney

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