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Browse Books in European

Temptations of Faust

The Logic of Fascism and Postmodern Archaeologies of Modernity

by (author) Evelyn Cobley

Feminist Interpretations of Jean-Jacques Rousseau

edited by Lynda Lange

Thomas Hardy, Monism, and the Carnival Tradition

The One and the Many in The Dynasts

by (author) Gordon Glen Wickens

Bernard Shaw and Barry Jackson

by (author) Barry Jackson & Bernard Shaw
edited by L.W. Conolly

Imagining Nature

Blake's Environmental Poetics

by (author) Kevin Hutchings

Germany as Model and Monster

Allusions in English Fiction, 1830s-1930s

by (author) Gisela Argyle

Guido Cavalcanti

The Other Middle Ages

by (author) Maria Luisa Ardizzone

Homoerotic Space

The Poetics of Loss in Renaissance Literature

by (author) Stephen Guy-Bray

The Woman and the Hour

Harriet Martineau and Victorian Ideologies

by (author) Caroline Roberts

Enabling Engagements

Edmund Spenser and the Poetics of Patronage

by (author) Judith Owens

Painting with Words, Writing with Pictures

Word and Image Relations in the Work of Italo Calvino

by (author) Franco Ricci

Chaucer and Language

Essays in Honour of Douglas Wurtele

by (author) Robert Myles & David A. Williams

Rewriting Germany from the Margins

“Other” German Literature of the 1980s and 1990s

by (author) Petra Fachinger

Books and Readers in Early Modern England

Material Studies

edited by Jennifer Andersen & Elizabeth Sauer
contributions by Stephen Orgel

Ovid and the Renaissance Body

edited by Goran Stanivukovic

Le Carré's Landscape

by (author) Tod Hoffman

Thomas Hardy's Public Voice

The Essays, Speeches, and Miscellaneous Prose

by (author) Thomas Hardy
edited by Michael Millgate

The Old English Elegies

A Critical Edition and Genre Study

by (author) Anne L. Klinck

Exiled From Light

Divine Law, Morality, and Violence in Milton's Samson Agonistes

by (author) Derek N.C. Wood

Schede Di Lavoro #2-2Nd Edition-Teachers

by (author) Raffaella Maiguashca

Passion and Virtue

Essays on the Novels of Samuel Richardson

edited by David Blewett

Pragmatic Plagiarism

Authorship, Profit, and Power

by (author) Marilyn Randall

Lady Mary Wortley Montagu

Comet of the Enlightenment

by (author) Isobel Grundy

The Art of Seamus Heaney

edited by Tony Curtis

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