Browse Books in Literary Criticism

Ernest Buckler and His Works

A Certain Difficulty of Being
Essays on the Quebec Novel

Hugh MacLennan and His Works

Certain Difficulty of Being
Essays on the Quebec Novel

Irving Layton and Robert Creeley
The Complete Correspondence, 1953-1978

The New Republic
A Commentary on Book I of More’s Utopia Showing Its Relation to Plato’s Republic
Teacher's Guide for Elements of Literature
Canadian Edition

Introducing Hugh MacLennan's Barometer Rising

Folklore of Canada
The New Republic of Childhood
A Critical Guide to Canadian Children's Literature in English
Narrative Perspective in Fiction
A Phenomenological Meditation of Reader, Text, and World

Made in Manitoba

Contemporary Manitoba Writers
New Critical Studies

Tay John and the Cyclical Quest

James Reaney

Prague Blues
The Fiction of Josef Skvorecky

Canadian Writers and Their Works - Poetry
A.J.M. Smith, F.R. Scott, A.M. Klein, Leo Kennedy, and Robert Finch
The Elizabethan Theatre Vol. XI

Al Purdy

Martha Ostenso

Milton Acorn

Phyllis Webb