Browse Books in Literary Collections

The Knife Behind the Gills

Through the Canyon

Devil Incarnate

Popular Anatomy

Bernard Shaw and H.G. Wells

Beyond Political Correctness
Toward the inclusive university

Haven’t Any News
Ruby’s Letters from the Fifties

Rulers of Babylonia
From the Second Dynasty of Isin to the End of Assyrian Domination (1157-612 BC)

Mildred Minturn
A Biography

Dandelions Help

Moon Sisters, Krishna Mothers, Rajneesh Lovers
Women's Roles in New Religions

Dear Marian, Dear Hugh
The Maclennan-Engel Correspondence

Starting from Ameliasburgh
The Collected Prose of Al Purdy

The Achievement of Josef Skvorecky

The Letters and Prose Writings: IV: Letters 1792-1799

The Letters and Prose Writings: II: Letters 1782-1786

The Poems of William Cowper: Volume I: 1748-1782

The Letters and Prose Writings: III: Letters 1787-1791

The Letters and Prose Writings of William Cowper
Volume I: Adelphi and Lettters 1750-1781

A Litany in Time of Plague

Grammar of Dissent
Poetry and Prose by Claire Harris, M. Nourbese Philip and Dionne Brand

Freedom from Culture
Selected Essays, 1982-92

Selected Prose of Louis MacNeice

Improved by Cultivation
English-Canadian Prose to 1914