Browse Books in Law

Policy Change, Courts, and the Canadian Constitution

The Trial of the Kaiser

The Oxford Handbook of Islamic Law

Grey Zones in International Economic Law and Global Governance

Writing in Public
Literature and the Liberty of the Press in Eighteenth-Century Britain

Passion for Law Reform

Policy Change, Courts, and the Canadian Constitution

Resurgence and Reconciliation
Indigenous-Settler Relations and Earth Teachings

The Great Law of Peace

Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprise Insolvency
A Modular Approach

Debating Rights Inflation in Canada
A Sociology of Human Rights

Contesting a Will without a Lawyer
The DIY Guide for Canadians

Good Judgment
Making Judicial Decisions

The Lac-Mégantic Rail Disaster
Public Betrayal, Justice Denied

The Court of Appeal for Saskatachewan
The First Hundred Years

The Court of Appeal for Saskatchewan
The First Hundred Years

Racial Profiling and Human Rights in Canada
The New Legal Landscape

First Degree
From Med School to Murder: The Story Behind the Shocking Will Sandeson Trial

Assisted Reproduction Policy in Canada
Framing, Federalism, and Failure

Athlii Gwaii: Upholding Haida Law on Lyell Island

Nineteenth Century Perspectives on Private International Law

Living Treaties - Narrating Mi'kmaw Treaty Relations

The Regional Law of Refugee Protection in Africa