Browse Books in Law
From Ideas to Action
Governance Paths to Net Zero
Covid-19 in Asia
Law and Policy Contexts
Animals as Legal Beings
Contesting Anthropocentric Legal Orders
Doodem and Council Fire
Anishinaabe Governance through Alliance
National Security Law, 2/e
The Trouble with Foreign Investor Protection
Citizenship in a Connected Canada
A Research and Policy Agenda
Sex Industry Slavery
Protecting Canada's Youth
À L’avant-garde du progrès
L’Institut professionnel de la fonction publique du Canada 1920–2020
Sex Industry Slavery
Protecting Canada's Youth
Creating Indigenous Property
Power, Rights, and Relationships
Jeannie’s Demise
Abortion on Trial in Victorian Toronto
The Subjects of Ottoman International Law
The Law of Contracts, 3/e
Corporate Cataclysm
Abitibi Power & Paper and the Collapse of the Newsprint Industry, 1912-1946
The Death Penalty and Sex Murder in Canadian History
Leading Progress
The Professional Institute of the Public Service Canada 1920–2020
A Better Justice?
Community Programs for Criminalized Women
North of El Norte
Illegalized Mexican Migrants in Canada
Going Public
A Survivor’s Journey from Grief to Action
The Justice Crisis
The Cost and Value of Accessing Law
Trump, Twitter & The Law
The Trump presidency as seen through his Tweets and related legal issues, laws, and court decisions.
Shared Histories
Witsuwit’en-Settler Relations in Smithers, British Columbia, 1913-1973