Browse Books in Law

Current Issues in Canadian Law Enforcement

The Supreme Court of Canada and its Justices 1875-2000
La Cour suprême du Canada et ses juges 1875-2000

The Thousandth Man
A Biography of James McGregor Stewart

Reclaiming Indigenous Voice and Vision

Uncertain Justice
Canadian Women and Capital Punishment, 1754-1953
The Law of Equitable Remedies

The Idea of Property in Law

Small Claims Court for the Everyday Canadian
Represent yourself and win

Risky Business
Canada's Changing Science-Based Policy and Regulatory Regime
Individual Employment Law

Workers' Compensation
Foundations for Reform

Sexual Slander in Nineteenth-Century England
Defamation in The Ecclesiastical Courts, 1815-1855

Legal Traditions of the World
Sustainable Diversity In Law

Chief Justice W.R. Jackett
By the Law of the Land

Stories of Transformative Justice
The Law of Damages

Protecting Indigenous Knowledge and Heritage
A Global Challenge
Criminal Law

Copyright Law

Queer Judgments
Homosexuality, Expression, and the Courts in Canada

Conduct Unbecoming
The Story of the Murder of Canadian Prisoners of War in Normandy

Law as a Gendering Practice

Criminal Injustice
Racism in the Criminal Justice System

Supreme at Last
The Evolution of the Supreme Court of Canada