Browse Books in Law

Canadian Legal Guide for Small Business

Under Arrest
Canadian Laws You Won't Believe

Labour and Employment Law in the Federal Public Service

The Annotated Ontario Mental Health Statutes, 4/e
International Law
Doctrine, Practice, and Theory

The Laskin Legacy
Essays in Commemoration of Chief Justice Bora Laskin

Bar Codes
Women in the Legal Profession

On Common Laws

Statutory Interpretation, 2/e

Health Law at the Supreme Court of Canada
Bank and Customer Law in Canada

Share Certificates for British Columbia

Share Certificates for Ontario
Mergers, Acquisitions, and Other Changes of Corporate Control

Confessions of a Pot Smuggler

Tax Avoidance in Canada after Canada Trustco and Mathew

Free Speech in Fearful Times
After 9/11 in Canada, the U.S., Australia & Europe

Understanding the impact of prejudice and discrimination on people with mental health and substance use problems

Les Préjugés
Comprendres les effets des opinion preconcues et de la discrimination

Essential Writings in Violence Risk Assessment and Management

Crime in Rural Australia

Special Lectures 2006
Family Law

Landlord's Rental Forms - Ontario (Paper)

Empirical Gap in Jurisprudence
A Comprehensive Study of the Supreme Court of Canada